Seed round investment in biotech startup LaLa, which offers a carbon-neutral, organic mushroom cultivation system called the Mush Fermentor


Genesia Ventures has invested in LaLa, a biotech startup addressing social issues such as the environment, employment, food, and logistics, through its flagship product — the Mush Fermentor — which is a carbon-neutral, fermentation bacteria bed for cultivating organic mushrooms.

About LaLa

LaLa has been developing, patenting, and preparing to sell the Mush Fermentor, a specialized equipment for carbon-neutral mushroom cultivation. This innovative technology utilizes fermentation of soil microorganisms derived from raw materials to produce bacteria beds.

When founded in May 2019, the company introduced the Mush Fermentor as an “all-electric, additive-free oyster mushroom bed cultivation method.” Initially, its scope was narrow — aimed at revitalizing the oyster mushroom market and selling specialized equipment for bacteria bed cultivation.

The Mush Fermentor employs a novel mushroom fermentation bacteria bed production method that can be patented internationally. The company has already secured three domestic patents, with two of these filed internationally across eight countries, including the USA, China, and the EU. The International Search Authority (ISA) has acknowledged the technology’s novelty in their written opinion, indicating a strong likelihood of patent approval in these countries.

The Mush Fermentor comprises the device (”barrel”) and an enclosing room (”storehouse”), reminiscent of traditional Japanese fermentation and brewing techniques. The device’s internal environment can be controlled with minimal energy input, enabling reproducible microbial processes such as sterilization and fermentation.

About the investment

Koki Mizutani, Investment Manager, Genesia Ventures

After my initial meeting with Ms. Komaba, I received some oyster mushrooms for my family to taste. I was impressed when my one-and-a-half-year-old daughter eagerly ate them. As someone who loves mushrooms and eat them often, I found the LaLa mushrooms particularly delicious, with a rich aroma and texture. Later, I visited their factory in Niigata and learned about their unique system and processes. Discovering that these delicious mushrooms are produced using innovative methods made me eager to join Ms. Komaba in her fascinating venture. We’re thrilled about this announcement and are committed to delivering not just delicious, but also environmentally friendly LaLa mushrooms to you!

Company Profile

Company name: LaLa Corporation
Date of establishment: May 2028
Location: 1-8-11, Meike Shinmei, Chuo-ku, Niigata City
Representative: Hiromi Komaba