Investment in Recerqa’s Seed Round: Revolutionizing Supply Chain DX for Purchasing, Inventory, and Sales


Genesia Ventures has invested in Recerqa, a company developing digital transformation (DX) solutions for supply chain operations, including purchasing, inventory management, and sales.

About Recerqa

Recerqa is a Supply Chain Management (SCM) SaaS that improves purchasing, inventory, and sales management operations through modern development technology and AI integration.

The SCM domain is complex, with diverse business practices across industries and companies. Traditionally, building an optimized system for a company required investments ranging from hundreds of millions to tens of billions of yen. In response to this, SaaS solutions have emerged to streamline certain SCM operations, such as inventory and purchasing. However, this has led to a trade-off between comprehensiveness and convenience — some systems offer high business comprehensiveness but are complicated and difficult to use, while others are user-friendly but lack end-to-end coverage from purchasing to sales, resulting in data inconsistency. Consequently, most major companies still rely on conventional systems. With recent breakthroughs in generative AI, the importance of data has grown significantly, requiring systems that can effectively collect, store, and utilize data.

Recerqa addresses these challenges and brings “ERP3.0” [*1] to life.

Recerqa Features

  1. Easy-to-use UI/UX
  2. Big data processing platform for utilizing generative AI
  3. End-to-end coverage of purchasing, inventory and sales operations

In line with the evolution of generative AI, Recerqa is building a data infrastructure capable of storing the smallest unit of transaction-level data for analysis. To leverage this infrastructure effectively, the company has implemented a system that automatically accumulates data from day-to-day operations. Recerqa’s comprehensive coverage of purchasing, inventory, and sales operations ensures that data is collected continuously, eliminating the need for separate data collection processes. By providing easy access to crucial information, it accelerates management decision-making.

*[1] About ERP3.0

The ERP market has evolved alongside technology, shifting from “ERP1.0” — installing client-server applications for running internal operations — to “ERP2.0” — cloud-based systems connecting companies through API data integration. Now, we’re entering the era of “ERP3.0,” AI-native platforms that represent the next phase in this evolution. In ERP3.0, buyers and sellers share a common platform, exchanging sales and inventory data seamlessly, and streamlining time-consuming exchanges in the buying and selling process. This approach not only enables product display on the platform but also eliminates the need for separate data linkage by using a unified system for all parties’ business operations. ERP3.0 platforms accumulate data, leverage it for AI applications, and continuously update business operations.

Background and Purpose of Fundraising

While SaaS adoption is advancing in accounting and human resources, adoption in the SCM area remains challenging because the operations are complex and difficult to package. Many companies in the SCM sector face challenges in cost, time, and implementation, often requiring large-scale projects to improve operational efficiency. Recerqa has provided a solution to these challenges, prompting its decision to fundraise. This funding will enable them to deliver enhanced projects and services to a broader customer base, and the company plans to use the raised capital to accelerate product development, realizing ERP 3.0 and transforming SCM operations.

About the Investment

Naoki Kurosaki, Investment Manager, Genesia Ventures

We are delighted to have invested in Recerqa, a company founded by Shotaro Umeda — a high-achieving alumnus of Works Applications who, as CRO, steered AI Inside through to its IPO and has since been advancing his career at Connecting the Dots. Umeda’s strong and passionate pursuit of the ideal ERP and SCM drew us in, prompting our decision to be the lead investor in this seed round.

In the ERP landscape, supply chain management has traditionally been dominated by SIers and package vendors, with numerous SaaS vendors emerging over the past decade. However, supply chains are notoriously difficult to standardize across companies, leading to challenges in overall business operations compatibility, inter-system data integration, and user experience — often resulting in suboptimal system experiences. Recerqa stands out by adopting an all-in-one approach, pioneering a new methodology that combines functionality with usability for its customers. As a cutting-edge AI x SaaS technology group, we believe Recerqa will catalyze a transformative reaction in the ERP and SCM sectors.

Company Profile

Company Name : Recerqa
Location : 1-9-11 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo GROWTH BYGrowth by IOQ 201
Representative : Shotaro Umeda